Leadership that Listens

Huwaida for Regent

Balance the Board

“The students drafted me into this race...my policy priorities reflect what the young people of this state value, need, and demand for a better future. My top priority is to listen to and engage students in matters that affect their future, something current leadership has refused to do.”

Why Huwaida, Why Now?

“Under current university leadership, students, faculty, and staff are losing their right to speech, assembly, and protest, while being burdened with higher costs, trumped up charges, and the moral weight of the institution's complicity in genocide. Rather than wasting University resources on assaulting students' rights and bodies, I will push UM to direct those resources to find ways to more ethically and efficiently operate and invest, for the benefit of students and all Michiganders.”

Key Priorities

    • Measurably expand the “Go Blue Guarantee”

    • Ensure a more affordable Michigan experience by improving scholarship and need-based financial aid

    • Advocate for affordable student housing solutions

    • Promote debt-free education for Michigan families

    • Implement stringent conflict of interest policies

    • Invest $17.9B endowment in ethical companies reflecting Michigan values, culture, and a long-term sustainable investments

    • Encourage a “Michigan First” standard in investments

    • Increase transparency in university spending and decision-making

    • Affirm academic freedom of thought and student rights on campus

    • Significantly expand mental health and counseling services

    • Improve campus safety with focus on prevention and survivor support

    • Align with union interests to facilitate prosperous negotiations

    • Strengthen U-M's commitment to diversity and inclusion

    • Ensure practice reflects the adherence to existing Michigan policies

    • Expand multicultural curriculum and global exchange programs

    • Increase recruitment and retention of underrepresented students and faculty

    • Further develop “from Michigan to Michigan” philosophy to promote Alumni contribution statewide

    • Support increased funding for research across all disciplines

    • Promote interdisciplinary programs addressing global challenges

    • Enhance statewide flagship programs at U-M Dearborn and U-M Flint in career training, agriculture, academic research, and STEM

    • Promote tri-campus collaboration to create cohesive Michigan identity and community

Say Hello to Huwaida

Huwaida Arraf is an international human rights and civil rights attorney, triple-major University of Michigan alumni, and cofounder of the International Solidarity Movement which has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Most importantly though, Huwaida is a dedicated mother of two, and on a mission to prepare the University of Michigan for the next generation.

As a civil rights attorney, Huwaida has been fighting to defend civil liberties, including advocating for Michiganders affected by the Flint Water Crisis, violence in our justice system, and voter disenfranchisement.

Huwaida has a vested interest in maintaining a strong relationship with University of Michigan and the State of Michigan so that the next generation of students and alumni want to give back to both the state and university.